Short Bio

I received the B.Sc. and M.Sc. degrees in bioengineering from the Ecole Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne (EPFL), Switzerland, in 2016. I am currently a 4th year PhD student in the Biomedical Imaging Group (BIG) at EPFL under the supervision of Dr. Emmanuel Soubies and Prof. Michael Unser.

I work in the field of computational imaging, with a special focus on biomedical imaging and optics.

Research Interests

Optical diffraction tomography

Reconstruction of 3D volume of refractive indices using a variational framework. My approach relies on accurate and nonlinear physical models of light propagation and efficient algorithms to solve the reconstruction problem.
Collaboration with Prof. Demetri Psaltis

Phase unwrapping with deep learning

Recovering the true phase from its wrapped version (modulo 2$\pi$) sounds easy…but it’s not (for some images). I am interested in methods with untrained and unsupervised deep learning.
Collaboration with Fangshu Yang

Software for single-molecule localization microscopy

Anything related to 2D and 3D SMLM software with an emphasize on metrics and benchmarking.
Collaboration with Dr. Daniel Sage and Prof. Seamus Holden

Image analysis of organoids

I am developing some classical image analysis tools for images of organoids.
Collaboration with Dr. Nathalie Brandenberg